Changing lives,

  • one at a time

A specialist provider of home care services for people with complex care needs.

Providing support and complex care solutions for unique situations

Nurse Led Service

With the support of dedicated nurses and healthcare assistants, who are employed by a company built on a foundation of extensive clinical care experience, we provide people with safe and effective care.

Dedicated Welfare Team

Our in-house team are responsible for the recruitment pathway from advertising to placement in the care package and beyond. With our support, retention rates rocket, and your core team remains consistent.

Rapid Mobilisation Team

Our specialist team of healthcare professionals are a valuable and flexible resource at HASCS. Each with extensive clinical backgrounds, they set up new packages of care quickly and safely.

Successful Placements

We take a holistic approach to care. With our specialist training, we can support individuals with complex needs and history of behaviour that may have challenged previous providers.

Working in partnership with you to deliver excellent healthcare

We are here to help you with your care needs. We understand how intrusive it can be having a care team in the home, and the risk of it feeling like a workplace. Our specialised team work to ensure this does not happen, and personal space and privacy is upheld.

A disabled child is lifted into a wheelchair by a nurse using special needs lifting equipment

More than a carer

  • I am a problem solver

  • I am a smile maker

  • I am a multi-tasker

There is nothing quite as rewarding as helping to make the lives of other people better. The happiness on someone’s face as we return from their day out, the pride we feel after a challenging but rewarding day of work. At HASCS, you’re more than a carer, find your meaning today.